ATtiny85 Arduino Board: How to Flash the Arduino Bootloader and Run A Simple Sketch
Electronics, Programming, ArduinoJoshua HriskoATtiny85, ATtiny, Arduino, Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, ATmega, microcontroller, ADC, Flash, Pinout, Bootloader, Blink
Arduino Sound Level Meter
Arduino, Engineering, ElectronicsJoshua HriskoDecibel, dB, Sound Level Meter, Sound, Acoustics, Analog, Arduino, Arduino IDE, Bluetooth, Voltmeter, LiPo, Battery, Logarithm, Subway, Loudness, Frequency, Engineering, Engineer, Audio, Raspberry Pi Audio, Acoustics and Vibration, SPL, Sound Pressure Level, Sample Rate, Sampling
Comparing iPhone GPS Against NEO-6M (GY-GPS6M) GPS Module with Arduino
Arduino, Bluetooth, Electronics, GISJoshua HriskoGPS, NEO-6M, Arduino Uno, Location, HM-10, Wiring, TinyGPS, New York City, iPhone, BLE
Induction-Powered Wireless LED Light Bulb Using Qi Charger Parts
Electronics, EngineeringJoshua HriskoQi, Qi Charger, Qi Standard, Wireless, Qi LED, Qi Light, Wireless Light Bulb, Light Bulb, LEDs, Induction, Inductive Coupling, Wireless Power, TP4056, Electronics, Electromagnetic, Electromagnetism, Wireless Charging, Engineer, Engineering
Arduino Light Sensor - TSL2561 and Experiments with Infrared and Visible Light
Arduino, EngineeringJoshua HriskoTSL2561, Arduino Uno, Light, Photoelectric Effect, Human Eye, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Luminosity Sensor, Experiment, Photodiode, Infrared Photodiode, LED, Engineer, Engineering, Physics, electromagnetic, Electronics, Electromagnetic, Arduino TSL2561, Arduino Sensor, Arduino Light Sensor, Sensor
Arduino Internet of Things Part 5: Raspberry Pi as a Smart Hub for Sending Data to Google Sheets
Arduino, Bluetooth, Electronics, Programming, Raspberry Pi, PythonJoshua HriskoArduino, gspread, Raspberry Pi, Python, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Arduino Internet of Things, API, Bluetooth, BLE, JSON, Oauth2Client, Oauth2, BME280, Bluepy, Arduino IDE
Arduino Internet of Things Part 4: Connecting Bluetooth Nodes to the Raspberry Pi Using Python's Bluepy Library
Raspberry Pi, ProgrammingJoshua HriskoArduino IDE, Arduino, BLE, CC2541, Bluetooth, HM-10, Python, Bluepy, Arduino Internet of Things
The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (2018) - How to Seamlessly Transition To The New Pi And Test It's Performance
Raspberry PiJoshua HriskoRaspberry Pi, Python, Benchmark, Flash, SD, SD Card, Raspbian, Etcher, Enterprise WiFi, WiFi, Download, Processor, Programming, Parallel
How to Become a Maker - Getting Started with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Arduino Internet of Things Part 3: External Interrupts Using A Motion Sensor (HC-SR501)
Arduino, Programming, ElectronicsJoshua HriskoInterrupt, Arduino, Amazon, ATmega, ATmega328p, Bluetooth, Breadboard, code, DIY, Resistor, Infrared, Internet of Things, programming, IR, IoT, interrupt, DIY Arduino, Sketch, Loop, loop, Open-Source, Quartz Crystal, raspberry pi, Serial, Upload, while loop, 16 MHz, 4 MHz, Arduino Internet of Things, Sensor
Arduino Internet of Things Part 2: Lowering The Power Consumption Of The ATmega328P Breadboard Arduino And The HM-10 Bluetooth Module
Bluetooth, Arduino, Programming, Editor's PicksJoshua HriskoInternet of Things, Arduino, ATmega328, Breadboard, ATmega, Amazon, Bluetooth, Web, Chip, code, DHT22, DIY, Adafruit, GitHub, humidity, Sketch, loop, Open-Source, IoT, parse, Quartz Crystal, Multimeter, temperature, Upload, Wiring, Crystal Oscillator, Arduino Internet of Things, BLE, Arduino BLE
Arduino Internet of Things Part 1: Burning The Arduino Bootloader Onto A Blank ATmega328p Chip Using The Arduino Uno
ArduinoJoshua HriskoATmega, ATmega328p, ATmega328, Arduino, Arduino Uno, Bootloader, AliExpress, Ebay, Amazon, Chip, Upload, Arduino IDE, DIY, DIY Arduino, IoT, Internet of Things, Crystal, Crystal Oscillator, Quartz Crystal, Breadboard, Bluetooth, 16 MHz, Capacitor, Resistor, ISP, Arduino as ISP, ArduinoISP, Sketch, Arduino Internet of Things
Heat Transfer of the Raspberry Pi Using Arduino, An Infrared Thermometer, and Type-K Thermocouple
Arduino, Data Analysis, Engineering, Editor's Picks, Raspberry Pi, Programming, PythonJoshua HriskoHeat Transfer, Broadcom, heat, CPU, Arduino Uno, Arduino, Thermocouple, MLX90614, MAX6675, IR, Infrared, Wiring, Temperature, GitHub, Ceramic, Aluminum, Sparkfun, Adafruit, Python, Serial Port, Serial, pySerial, Loop, Stress, Convection, Conduction, Nusselt Number, Empirical, Heat Sink, Aero-Thermal, Raspberry Pi, Heat Transfer Arduino, Arduino Heat, Arduino Heat Engineer, Arduino Heat Transfer, Arduino Engineering Heat Transfer, Engineer, Engineering
Python Datalogger - Using pySerial to Read Serial Data Output from Arduino
Arduino, Data Analysis, Programming, Python, Most PopularJoshua HriskopySerial, Python, programming, serial, bytes, datalogger, data, Arduino, Analyze, Data Analysis, Serial Port, DHT11, matplotlib, loop, while loop, csv, tkAgg, interrupt, figure, 2018 #1, Most Popular 2018
Academy Awards Data Mining, Statistical Analysis, and Visualization Using Wikipedia and Plotly
Data Analysis, MATLAB, Lifestyle, ProgrammingJoshua HriskoOscars, Academy Awards, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Data, MATLAB, Plotting, Visualization, Plotly
ESP8266 WiFi Module - Flashing with Arduino Uno and Smart Home Web Server LED Blink
Electronics, Arduino, Programming, Most PopularJoshua HriskoESP8266, Arduino, Arduino Uno, Breadboard, Flash, IoT, Wiring, Sketch, Smart Home, Web Server, Web, LED, 2018 #6
Publication-Quality Plots Using MATLAB and METAR Data From Nearby Airports
MATLAB, ProgrammingJoshua HriskoMATLAB, programming, METAR, code, parse, weather, government, NWS, New York City, Austin, station, html, web, figure, datenum, datestr, temperature, humidity, juxtaposeJS
Driving Any Stepper Motor for Less Than $1 with The L293
Arduino - Randomly Blinking Multiple LEDs With Only 9 Lines of Code
How I Take High-Quality Tech Photos with An iPhone