How to Become a Maker - Getting Started with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Arduino Internet of Things Part 2: Lowering The Power Consumption Of The ATmega328P Breadboard Arduino And The HM-10 Bluetooth Module
Bluetooth, Arduino, Programming, Editor's PicksJoshua HriskoInternet of Things, Arduino, ATmega328, Breadboard, ATmega, Amazon, Bluetooth, Web, Chip, code, DHT22, DIY, Adafruit, GitHub, humidity, Sketch, loop, Open-Source, IoT, parse, Quartz Crystal, Multimeter, temperature, Upload, Wiring, Crystal Oscillator, Arduino Internet of Things, BLE, Arduino BLE
Heat Transfer of the Raspberry Pi Using Arduino, An Infrared Thermometer, and Type-K Thermocouple
Arduino, Data Analysis, Engineering, Editor's Picks, Raspberry Pi, Programming, PythonJoshua HriskoHeat Transfer, Broadcom, heat, CPU, Arduino Uno, Arduino, Thermocouple, MLX90614, MAX6675, IR, Infrared, Wiring, Temperature, GitHub, Ceramic, Aluminum, Sparkfun, Adafruit, Python, Serial Port, Serial, pySerial, Loop, Stress, Convection, Conduction, Nusselt Number, Empirical, Heat Sink, Aero-Thermal, Raspberry Pi, Heat Transfer Arduino, Arduino Heat, Arduino Heat Engineer, Arduino Heat Transfer, Arduino Engineering Heat Transfer, Engineer, Engineering
How I Take High-Quality Tech Photos with An iPhone
Heat Mapping with a 64-Pixel Infrared Detector (AMG8833), Raspberry Pi, and Python
Electronics, Most Popular, Data Analysis, Python, Raspberry Pi, Programming, Editor's PicksJoshua HriskoRaspberry Pi, AMG8833, Grid-eye, 8x8 IR, Infrared, IR sensor, Arduino IR, Arduino IR Array, Arduino AMG8833, Radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann, Raspberry Pi AMG8833, Raspberry Pi Zero W, Raspberry Pi Zero, Adafruit AMG8833, Raspberry Pi Adafruit, Python AMG8833, Python Raspberry Pi, Python, Heat Map, IR detector, Mapping Python, Python heat map, 2018 #5
Using Raspberry Pi, HM-10, and Bluepy To Develop An iBeacon Mesh Network (Part 1)
Bluetooth, Electronics, Editor's Picks, Most Popular, Python, Raspberry Pi, Programming, ArduinoJoshua HriskoiBeacon, IoT, Internet of Things, Arduino Internet of Things, Arduino IoT, Mesh, iBeacon Mesh Network, HM-10, Bluetooth, BLE, Bluetooth Low Energy, Raspberry Pi, Bluepy, 2018 #4
Bluetooth Home Automation Light Bulb Switch Using An HC-05, A Relay, and Arduino