Posts tagged Serial
Arduino Servo Motor Basics and Control

In this tutorial, an Arduino board will be used to power and control a small servo motor. The basics and composition of an SG90 will be explored, and the application of several servo codes and applications will be given for another type of servo motor, the MG90S. The goal of this project is to introduce users into the workings of a servo motor, how PWM (pulse-width modulation) controls a servo motor, and how Arduino can interface with servo motors to produce desired movements to great precision.

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Controlling Arduino Pins from the Serial Monitor

In this tutorial, another method of control is introduced that involves manual control using input from the serial monitor. This means each pin can be turned on or off using the human input to the serial monitor. An RGB LED is used to demonstrate the capability of serial monitor control, where each color of the LED is controlled individually using dedicated Arduino pins.

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Bluetooth Module with Arduino (AT-09, MLT-BT05, HM-10)

In this tutorial, I will dive into the variations of CC2541 BLE board such as the AT-09, MLT-BT05, HM-10, JDY-08, etc. I will use either the specific module name or a blanketed “CC2541-based module” reference to refer to the BLE modules. The general process for interfacing with each module is nearly the same, however, some particularities define how each responds and functions depending on the given firmware. I will also be using the BLExAR app for iOS to communicate with the CC2541 modules.

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Arduino LoRa Network Part I: Radio Basics and Range Tests

LoRa modules, such as the SX1276 used in this tutorial, are widely available and relatively inexpensive, all while being fully compatible with Arduino. LoRa modules are also modular in software and hardware: transmission power is configurable, the modules can be outfitted with antennae, and transmission speed and packet information size are both modifiable. In this tutorial, an Arduino board and SX1276 modules will be used to create a network of long range (LoRa) nodes designed to communicate and transport information. The use of antennae will also help broaden the range of the nodes, and tests in New York City will help quantify the efficiency and cone of functionality for such a node in a complex environment.

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Smartphone Arduino Weighing Scale with Load Cell and HX711

In this tutorial, I introduce an Arduino-based weighing scale that uses a load cell, analog-to-digital converter, and calibrated mass. I introduce calibration with known masses to create a powerful and accurate weighing system that can be used for highly accurate measurement purpose such as: chemistry, horticulture, cooking, and much more!

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Arduino Weighing Scale with Load Cell and HX711

In this tutorial, I introduce an Arduino-based weighing scale that uses a load cell, analog-to-digital converter, and calibrated mass. I introduce calibration with known masses to create a powerful and accurate weighing system that can be used for highly accurate measurement purpose such as: chemistry, horticulture, cooking, and much more!

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Heat Transfer of the Raspberry Pi Using Arduino, An Infrared Thermometer, and Type-K Thermocouple