Posts tagged Arduino Serial Communication
Radar Emulator with Arduino + Python

In this tutorial, an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) will be used in place of a radio emitter; and a plan position indicator will be constructed in Python by recording the angular movements of a servo motor. An Arduino board will both record the ranging data from the ultrasonic sensor while also controlling and outputting the angular position of the servo motor. This will permit the creation of a PPI for visualizing the position of various objects surrounding the radar system.

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iOS and Arduino Bluetooth Communication Using The BLExAR App and CC2541 Module

An app called “BLExAR” allows Arduino users to communicate to an iOS device (iPhone or iPad) using a Bluetooth CC2541 module (different versions are called: HM-10, SH-M08, AT-09, or JDY-08). The app permits control of an Arduino board, wireless serial communication, and data acquisition. Click on the app logo shown here to download the app, as it will be used as the iOS communication software. On the Arduino side, we need to wire the CC2541 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module to an Arduino board and upload the appropriate software via the Arduino IDE. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to verify communication between an Arduino and CC2541 Bluetooth module, and then use Bluetooth communication to send strings between an iOS device and the Arduino ATmega328p board.

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