Posts tagged MakerBLE
Arduino Sensor Data Logging and Visualization on iPhone

This is the second entry into the tutorial series centered around the MakerBLE Arduino board. Using the BLExAR iOS app again, we are able to monitor the incoming data from the MakerBLE board, plot the values, and save them to a comma-separated value (CSV) file. The data being sent is read from a BMP280 sensor over the I2C port by the MakerBLE board. Temperature, atmospheric pressure, and approximate altitude were all sent over the BLE connection with an iPhone.

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MakerBLE — A Tiny nRF52840 Bluetooth Arduino Board

The MakerBLE is introduced as a miniature breakout board variation of the nRF52840 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Arduino board, which is capable of communicating with smartphnoes and carrying out many of the capabilities of other wirelessly-enabled microcontrollers. The MakerBLE is also compatible with our iOS app, BLExAR, and allows users to collect data, send commands, and control pins remotely from a smartphone. In this tutorial, the MakerBLE will be introduced and its capabilities will be explored from the perspective of the Arduino. This will also be the first in a series of entries geared toward low-power, BLE-enabled, tiny microcontroller projects; whether they involve remote control, data collection from sensors (I2C, SPI, UART), message transfers, BLE peripheral/central communication, or general electronics testing.

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