IMU Calibration Block Kit with MPU9250

IMU Calibration Block Kit with MPU9250
The calibration of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) is made simple in this kit by combining an MPU9250 sensor with a 3D-printed cube. The gyroscope contained within the MPU9250 can be calibrated under steady conditions. Similarly, the accelerometer can be calibrated by rotating each axis in the direction of gravity. Lastly, the magnetometer can be calibrated by rotating the block 360 degrees around each axis. The calibration block is specially designed for rotation and calibration of all nine degrees-of-freedom (9-DoF) available to the MPU9250.
See the IMU Calibration Series Tutorials: Part I, Part II, Part III
Included in the IMU Calibration Block Kit:
1x Calibration Block (40mm Cube)
1x MPU9250 Inertial Measurement Unit
2x Nylon Screws, 2x Nylon Nut
1x 4-Pin Dupont Connection Wire (24-AWG, 1 meter)
2x 10-Pin Header
PLA Material and Nylon Screws are used to Prevent Ferritic Interference with Magnetometer
Features of the IMU Calibration Block:
Designed for Calibration of all 9-DoF of the IMU
Holes for attaching MPU9250
Smooth to allow for rotation
90-degree edges for proper calibration in each direction
Sleek black design
Features of the MPU9250 IMU:
Easily attachable to the calibration block
Accelerometer/Gyroscope (MPU6050)
Magnetometer (AK8963)
Fast sample rates ~100Hz (Magnetometer), 1-8kHz (Accel/Gyro)
16-bit Analog-to-Digital Conversion for each of the 9-DoF
I2C Communication Protocol
Low Power Consumption
Compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
MPU9250 Datasheet
3-Axis Accelerometer (MPU6050)
±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g with 16-bit ADC
~4000Hz Data Sample Rate
3-Axis Gyroscope (MPU6050)
±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000°/sec with 16-bit ADC
~8000Hz Max Data Sample Rate
3-Axis Magnetometer (AK8963)
±4800µT with 14-bit ADC
~ 8-100Hz Data Sample Rate