%% URL read for Real-time Weather Station Measurements % clear all close all clc % station_repos = 'http://w1.weather.gov/data/obhistory/'; % This is where % the weather stations are located at www.weather.gov % You type in your address and then look for the 4-letter station % identifier (for example, if you type in '10024' for NYC, the station % ID for that Zip Code is 'KNYC' - Central Park's weather station % station_name_formal = 'Austin-Bergstrom International Airport'; station_ID = 'KAUS'; % % concatenate station repository with your local station % web_url = strcat(station_repos,station_ID,'.html'); % % Crawl the URL for data web_str_crawl = webread(web_url); % % Now for the fun - parsing the data! % station_table = data_reformat(web_str_crawl); % % Preparing the Figure to Plot [fig1,ax1,dcm_obj] = fig_open(); % % Now reformat the data and plot it! % plot_algo(station_table,station_name_formal,station_ID,[7,8]) % fig1.Visible='on'; saveas(fig1,'test.png') % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%------------------------FUNCTIONS--------------------------------------%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % function station_table = data_reformat(web_url_str) % % Parse each row, which in html is identified by , then put each % into the station_parse variable station_parse = {}; for jj = 1:length(web_url_str)-4 if web_url_str(jj:jj+4)=='' for kk = 1:80 if web_url_str(jj-kk)=='>' station_parse{end+1} = web_url_str(jj-kk+1:jj-1); break end end end end % shift data to get rid of the extra headers station_vec = {}; n_shift = 9; for ll = 1:length(station_parse) if ll>=n_shift station_vec{ll-n_shift+1} =station_parse{ll}; end end % % reformat the data into an easily-readable table % col_size = 18; station_table = {zeros(floor(length(station_vec)/col_size)+1,col_size)}; % I rewrote the headers to make them more friendly for labeling station_header = {'Date','Time (Local)','Wind [MPH]','Visibility [Miles]','Weather Cond.',... 'Sky Cond.','Air Temperature [F]','Dew Point [F]','Temp (6 Hour Max) [F]','Temp (6 Hour Min)','Relative Humidity [%]',... 'Wind Chill [F]','Heat Index [F]','Pressure (Alt, inches)','Pressure (Sea, mbar)',... 'Precipitation (1 hr) [inches]','Precipitation (inches) [3 hr]','Precipitation (inches) [6 hr]'}; % This is the loop where the table is created and formatted for mm = 1:floor(length(station_vec)/col_size)+1 for nn = 1:col_size if mm == 1 station_table{mm,nn} = station_header{nn}; else pp = (mm-2)*col_size+nn; if nn==11 station_table{mm,nn} = station_vec{pp}(1:2); else station_table{mm,nn} = station_vec{pp}; end end end end end function [fig1,ax1,dcm_obj] = fig_open() set(0,'defaultfigurecolor',[1 1 1]) % white background set(0,'defaultaxesfontname','cambria math') % beautify the axes a bit scrn_size = get(0,'ScreenSize'); % get size of screen shrink_pct = 0.1; % shrink the figure by 10% % fig1 = figure('Visible','off','DefaultAxesFontSize',20,'Position',... [scrn_size(1)+(scrn_size(3)*shrink_pct) scrn_size(2)+(scrn_size(4)*shrink_pct)... scrn_size(3)-(scrn_size(3)*2*shrink_pct) scrn_size(4)-(scrn_size(4)*2*shrink_pct)]); % shrinking the figure % ax1 = gca; dcm_obj = datacursormode(fig1); % enable control of datatips % set(dcm_obj,'UpdateFcn',@myupdatefcn) % this will be used to configure % data tips set(ax1,'fontsize',22,'Color',[0.8 0.8 0.8],'gridcolor',[1 1 1],'gridalpha',0.9) % set the axis color % to compliment the white background % xlabel('Time [Day HH:MM]') % x-axis date label hold all grid on % grid for more contrast in the axes end % function [datenum_vec,var_pick,var_name] = parse_and_format(station_table,var_col) curr_time = datetime(); % get the current time for year information datenum_vec = []; var_pick = []; var_name = station_table{1,var_col}; % variable name for ss = 2:length(station_table) % starting at the second row since the first contains the variable names var_pick = [var_pick,str2double(station_table{ss,var_col})]; if isempty(str2double(station_table{ss,var_col})) % if there is no data in the row, skip the loop continue end if ss==2 % making sure the first row is the reference year, month, and day datenum_vec = [datenum_vec,datenum(year(curr_time),month(curr_time),str2num(station_table{ss}),str2num(station_table{ss,2}(1:2)),str2num(station_table{ss,2}(4:5)),0)]; else if str2double(station_table{ss})>str2double(station_table{2}) % this ensures that if the date grows, then the day is in the previous month if month(curr_time)==1 % if it's december, then we have to roll back the month and year datenum_vec = [datenum_vec,datenum(year(curr_time)-1,12,str2double(station_table{ss}),str2double(station_table{ss,2}(1:2)),str2double(station_table{ss,2}(4:5)),0)]; else % end of month, roll back month datenum_vec = [datenum_vec,datenum(year(curr_time),month(curr_time)-1,str2double(station_table{ss}),str2double(station_table{ss,2}(1:2)),str2double(station_table{ss,2}(4:5)),0)]; end else datenum_vec = [datenum_vec,datenum(year(curr_time),month(curr_time),str2double(station_table{ss}),str2double(station_table{ss,2}(1:2)),str2double(station_table{ss,2}(4:5)),0)]; end end end end function plot_algo(station_table,station_name_formal,home_station,var_select) legend_str = {}; for ii = 1:length(var_select) % loop through variables to ensure legend catches each [datenum_vec,var_pick,var_name] = parse_and_format(station_table,var_select(ii)); % send variable through parse function % plotting traits sz = 10; % size of marker color_map = lines; % colormap used for lines and markers if length(var_select)<=2 % this is particular to my dataset (METAR) switch ii case 1 % if only 1 variable, make 1 y-axis label ylabel(var_name) case 2 % if two variables, make two y-axis labels yyaxis right; % second y-axis to the right y2 = gca; ylabel(var_name) y2.YColor = color_map(ii,:); % ensure the color of the axis matches the second line end % in my case, I'm chosing to discard the y-labels if more than 2 variables are entered end % plot specifics: -s creates a square marker with a line plot(datenum_vec,var_pick,'-s','linewidth',3,'color',color_map(ii,:),... 'MarkerFaceColor',(1-color_map(ii,:))/1.5+color_map(ii,:),'MarkerEdgeColor',[25 25 25]./256,... 'MarkerSize',sz) % title handling for month and year curr_time = datetime(); title(strcat('Weather for {}',station_name_formal,'{ }(',home_station,') in {}',datestr(curr_time,'mmmm, yyyy'))) xlabel('Time [Day HH:MM]') % chosing to step through x-values by 6 (72/6 = 12 x-ticks) xticks(datenum_vec(end:-6:1)) datetick(gca,'x','dd HH:MM','keepticks') % rotating the x-ticks so they don't overlap xtickangle(20) % setting the limits xlim([datenum_vec(end) datenum_vec(1)]) % appending the names to the legend handler legend_str{end+1} = var_name; end % white background and letting MATLAB choose the best location for the % legend legend(legend_str,'Location','Best','Color','white') end